Tuesday, March 3, 2009

tribout to teem

Gunmen have attacked a bus carrying the Sri Lankan cricket team on its way to play in the Pakistani city of Lahore.

At least five Pakistani policemen escorting the team bus were killed, while at least five cricketers, and their assistant
coach, were injured.

Pakistani officials said about 12 gunmen were involved and grenades and rocket launchers have been recovered.

Officials said the incident bore the hallmarks of deadly attacks in Mumbai in India last November.
The Mumbai attacks were blamed on Pakistan-based Islamic militants.

Commentators say the incident will come as a big blow to Pakistani cricket - already suffering from serious security
concerns - and may put an end to international cricket in the country in the short term.

Pakistan had invited Sri Lanka to tour after India's cricket team pulled out of a scheduled cricket tour following the
Mumbai attacks.

Match cancelled

The gunmen opened fire on the Sri Lankan team bus which was in the heart of Lahore on its way to the Gaddafi stadium,
venue for a Test match between the two sides.

Witnesses reported an intense burst of heavy gunfire and explosions, as the gunmen first aimed for the police detail
accompanying the team, before attacking the team coach.
At least five policemen were killed.

Officials in Lahore said two members of the Sri Lankan team - Thilan Samaraweera and Tharanga Paranavitana - were sent to
hospital. At least another four received minor wounds, including assistant coach Paul Farbrace.

"The players are shocked. They have never gone through anything like this before," former Sri Lankan player Sanath
Jayasuriya told an Indian news channel on the phone from Colombo.

A Pakistani air force helicopter has now evacuated members of the Sri Lankan team from Gaddafi Stadium, after Sri Lankan
President Mahinda Rajapakse condemned the "cowardly terrorist attack" and ordered the players' immediate evacuation.

Thilan Samaraweera, left, and Tharanga Paranavitana went to hospital
The third day of play in the Second Test was scheduled to begin, but officials said the match has now been cancelled.
TV pictures showed two gunmen with backpacks on the road where the incident happened.

According to Lahore police chief Habibur Rahman, "10 to 12" attackers came to the scene in auto rickshaws.

Grenades and rocket launchers were found at the site of the incident,

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